quarta-feira, 21 de novembro de 2012


Delivery service: 4 working days to arrive, good tracking service, and excelent communication with the Switch Team. 10/10

Package: Solid package, goods arrived in top notch condition. 10/10

Kite bag: Top quality bag, with a nice first aid kit, decent size for a 10m kite, pocket for the bar and it looks asthetically good. 10/10

Nice pump and leash. 9/10

This is a review based on after 3 sessions with the Nitro v2 10m! First off all conditions on all the days I rode the nitro where nowhere perfect, wind here it's particulary gusty in the winter and the sea is rough with medium/large waves, but still I managed to make some impressions on the nitro!

Conditions: 1st day: 13/15 knots 
2nd and 3rd day: very weird gusty wind with 10-18knots on both days
Rider: 63kg 
Board: 130x31 

The kite/bar is well built and solid, no need to write much about it, it's as good as other major brands! On the air you can really feel the nitro v2 grunt, it's very stable in the air, what really impressed me was the low end! It's amazing! It goes upwind easily. Boosting is good with a huge amount of hangtime (still have to perfect the timing but I'm getting there!) It turns gusts in to power and this kite never backstalled or oversheeted even when the wind was very weird. I felt slightly overpowered when a gust hit (wind was strange anyway) it's not the most forgiving kite on the market but I never really felt out of control! So nitro v2 is basically what Switch described: A high performance freeride/race kite with a amazing low end, upwind efficiency and jumping capability! If you want a more versatile kite to freestyle and freeride Element will probably be a better choice! So far I'm very happy and I will update as soon I get a perfect wind day so I can truly make the most of it! 

Below are some pics on the day the wind was lighter, 13/15 knots. I'm riding 20m lines 

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